Call for Papers
It is time to demonstrate your hard work to the electronics assembly industry, share with us your findings and results of your research based on the most relevant industry topics by presenting them at the SMTA Guadalajara conference held on September 11 & 12, 2024.
Deadline to receive abstracts: July 26, 2024.
Topics of Interest to the SMTA Community:
SMT soldering processes (Miniaturization)
Implementation of Statistical Process Control for Inspection Technologies (AOI/SPI/AXI)
Mexico challenges and opportunities
What is Statistical Process Control, how to implement and maintain it
Robot soldering processes
"Nearshoring" evolution and current challenges
Industry 4.0: interconnection and scope (Traceability/MES)
Industry 4.0: What it is and how to implement it (Introduction and implementation context)
Industry 4.0: Implementation and trends (Examples)
Introduction to IATF
Why Present Your Work at the SMTA Mexico Chapter Events?
Make a contribution to our industry by sharing your work
Network with industry colleagues and showcase your company's position in the industry as an author and speaker
Abstract Submissions
Submissions must include the following:
Non Commercial Presentations according to SMTA guidelines
Proposed Conference Title
Introduction & Abstract of the topic you would present
Published Article / White Paper
Complete Name, Biography & Speaker Photography
PPT Presentation Proposal (PDF)
Event in which you want to participate (Aguascalientes, Guadalajara)
Selected speakers will be contacted by the SMTA Guadalajara Chapter Committee to notify them of the next steps.
Presentation materials must be original and non-commercial in nature.